Welcome to Knapsack šŸ‘‹

Hello readers,

In this issue, I wanted to talk about something that we all take for granted - our mental health. The day I’m publishing this is a day off from my work. My company has designated the last Friday of October as a Mental Wellness Day. We started this last year and hope to continue this every year.

I feel mental health is something that we are afraid to talk about. There have been days these past couple of years, ever since we started working from home, when I really did not have the energy to do anything. Though work is always present, I wasn’t really feeling up to doing it.

Most of the people I had spoken with said the same: the days blurring into each other, the lack of social contacts, the everpresent need to be productive at work, and the presence to be with people at home had been taking the toll on everyone’s mental health.

So for this issue, I just wanted to highlight things that I had been thinking of and some things I’ve been trying to stay afloat.

And I’m taking a break and Knapsack will be back in January 2022.


Previous Editions

Book Bites: The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness by Andi Puddicombe

Mindfulness is the willingness to rest in that natural state of awareness, resisting the temptation to judge whatever emotion comes up, and therefore neither opposing or getting carried away with a feeling. Meditation is simply the exercise that is going to give you the best conditions to practice being mindful of these emotions. And headspace is the result of applying this approach.

If mindfulness is the ability to be present, to rest in the moment whatever youā€™re doing, and meditation is the best way of learning that skill, then ā€œheadspaceā€ could be considered the outcome.

Andi Puddicombe has an app called Headspace for guided meditation and sleep. He also has a Netflix series, Headspsace Guide to Meditation.