When I started this little corner of the internet, I had big dreams of becoming a tech writing superstar and sharing my musings on user experience with regular blog posts to prove it. But as it turns out, I’m more of a “sometimes blogger” than a “consistent blogger.”

As I’ve gotten older (and hopefully a little wiser), I’ve discovered that my interests have expanded beyond just technical writing and user experience. I’ve been delving into the world of personal knowledge management, dabbling in content engineering, and generally just trying to keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancements.

So, I figured it was time to give this website a makeover and make it a true reflection of all the things I’m passionate about.

So, here we are, rebooting this site to be a true reflection of my interests, my work, and my inability to stick to just one topic. I hope you’re ready for a wild ride through the world of technical writing, user experience, knowledge management, and whatever else pops into my brain.

Oh, by the way, I’ll add the older content and slides in the coming days. I’ll also try to refresh any stale content when I do so.